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Stretch & Body Conditioning


Each class prepares you to perform elements you never thought possible. Whether it’s mastering jumps, turns, leg extensions or complicated step work, advancing your flexibility is vital. In our Stretch & Body Conditioning class you will learn various exercises each week to build your confidence, improve your overall flexibility and strength, learn what muscles to engage and which ones to relax which will help improve your overall flexibility and strength.


This class is designed to build more strength and flexibility into your muscles. Body Conditioning combines cardio and resistance training to an energetic beat to workout the whole of your body. With a range of exercise techniques that includes elements of pilates, floor work, weights and resistance training, you're guaranteed a varied class that will hit those areas that other workouts miss. With each movement, you’ll learn which muscles to activate and which muscles to relax so you can move efficiently and without risk of injury. 


There are several benefits of stretch/flexibility training:


  • Improves feet Flexibility and Strength in short period off time.

  • Improves your turn out, core Strength and splits Flexibility.

  • Improves your back Flexibility and strengthens your core and shoulders through a series of strengthening and stretch exercises.

  • Increases range of motion. 

  • Decreases the risk of injury. When your muscles are more flexible, you are less likely to become injured during your dance classes. 

  • Reduces muscle soreness after each workout.

Other Classes We Offer


This class is a great way to boost your child’s confidence, strength and flexibility. Developing new skills each week to then apply within our Acro routine that we work on towards performing them at our Annual Shows.

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